...6.11...What I Ate in a Day...as a Vegan...

...breakfast was one of my favorite things...
...an open faced toasted banana and peanut butter sammie...so...YUM!
...morning snack...was the last of the 4 quarts of hummus and some celery...
...for lunch we had our very first fresh corn of the season...hot and buttery with Earth Balance on my cute little corn trays...
...I don't like it leftover on the cob...so I always cut it off to have later...
...and I also had a plate of leftover spaghetti and meatballs...with some of that delicious cheeze-y sauce...
...then for dinner...I got one of the onions from our big Sysco order...we have 12 left...and we need to use them up soon...
...grilled it in the Forman Grill...
...and got out some frozen black beans and brown rice...how handy is that...
...and I made a cucumber salad with tomato and green onion and some zesty italian dressing...pretty simple...
...and made a side of cheeze-y broccoli...
...added some sauerkraut and a little more cheeze-y sauce to my bowl and dinner was served...

...what did you eat yesterday?...

~Have a lovely day!

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