Gathering Fragments: What I’ve Planned for This Week

I don't have a lot of leftovers in the fridge at the moment .   That is a good thing!  It doesn't mean I haven't any bits and pieces that I can't use, though.   I'm not going to over do it this week.  Using fragments requires a more time and energy than I've got to spare at present, but I'll get a little bit done.  

As well, I was gifted a sample half bag of produce from a local farm that is selling produce bags.  I have green beans, a cucumber, squash and zucchini, a tomato and the prettiest spinach I have ever seen.  I'll be incorporating those into meals this week as well.

In the fridge:  Roast beef from weekend meals, along with a bit of broth.  Produce bag items and some chopped tomato left from the weekend.
From the cupboards: a bag of crumbled chips, a combination of ends of bags that were too crumbly to bother eating  and a bottle of Oriental Dressing.  I don't even remember buying that!
From the fruit bowl:  one last peach at perfect ripeness
From the pantry: a chocolate cake mix that has expired.
From the big freezer: a bag of tangerine and orange segments; a 2 serving size portion of broccoli and cheddar rice casserole

Here's my plan for these items:
The Roast Beef will turn into two meals.  I'll make roast beef hash for supper one night using about half the beef and all the broth.  I think I'll serve with a big salad (cucumber, lettuce, tomato) and green peas.

For meal #2 I'll make a sort of oriental wrap with green onions, shredded carrots, a little finely shredded spinach, and some of the oriental dressing.  I'll serve an ambrosia with this, which will use up the tangerines/oranges from the freezer.

I'll use the peach to make peach pancakes for breakfast.  This is a summer time favorite and I usually serve them with a sprinkling of cinnamon sugar and a dollop of yogurt for myself.  John will eat them with syrup. Done...These were delicious and made enough to put 8 in the freezer so two more breakfasts from these.

I'll use the crumbled chips to make Deviled Chicken legs with a crispy crust instead of bread crumbs as the recipe calls for.  I'll serve this with squash and onions, Coleslaw.

I'll make up meatloaves in muffin tins.  I'll use shredded carrot, zucchini and onion as well as the rest of the potato chips and a small amount of tomato sauce to make the meatloaves.  I'll serve this with the broccoli rice casserole and Green Beans.

I'll save the cake mix to make later in the week but I thought this recipe for an Almond Joy cake sounded rather good.  I'll likely make it in two pans so I can freeze one.   It's so hot this week that I'll have to make it super early one morning or change plans and do something different.
(C) Terri Cheney

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