How to Serve More Fruits And Vegetables At Your Next Party
If youre hosting a party soon, then you're probably planning for it right now. You may be planning for decorations, entertainment, and, most importantly, party food. And why settle with the same old, boring menu with foods rich in fat, sugar, and oils when you can serve healthy and delicious vegetables and fruits? Here are nine excellent and healthy party food ideas for you!
1. Make A Healthy Fruity Desert

Make healthy desserts with frozen fruits and cream
Even guests who dont like fruits will fall in love with this simple, fruity dessert. Just freeze fruit cups for a few hours, and when youre just about to serve, add a dollop of rich cream on top. What fruits to serve?
You can serve any fruit in season and according to what your guests or your family prefer. Just a few fruits to mix are strawberries, blueberries, kiwi fruit, melons, watermelons, pineapples, and papayas. Whipped cream will do, but you can make your own cream and serve this right away.
2. How About A Fruit Or Veggie Condiment

Use fruits to make interesting and delicious condiments
Instead of using plain catsup or mayonnaise as condiments, why not use a healthy alternative? Serve fruit chutneys or fruit relishes as condiments like pickles and onions. Chutney is a sweet and spicy condiment that is made from dried fruit, sugar, vinegar, and chiles. Yummy fruit chutney combinations include blueberries, cherries, apricots, and raisins.
3. The Healthy Appetizers

Low-fat dips for healthier party foods
Your guests will love a veggie appetizer platter, but instead of the usual cheese- fatty dips, you can substitute with hummus, tabouli, or delicious tomato bruschetta. Use de-seed cucumber or carrots for these dips. Add a dash of lemon on mayonnaise or a tuna dip for a zesty appetizer dip for your veggies.
4. A Wide Variety Of Vegetable And Fruity Beverages

Fruit and veggie drinks great for colourful parties
Make your party drinks colorful, fun, and healthy with 100% fruit and vegetable juices. You can juice up any kind of fruit or veggies, or you may combine two or three of a kind. And instead of using plain water, use seltzer to create a 100% juice concentrate. Add ice for a deliciously refreshing and healthy drink. Make sure to prepare three or more kinds of drinks so your guests can choose what they want.
5. Dont Forget Your Healthy Giveaways

Healthy gifts encourages healthy eating outside of the party
Make your party memorable with some healthy, delicious giveaways. Place dried fruit and nuts in a decorative container. You can also use dried fruits such as cherries, apricots, cranberries, blueberries, and apples. Dried and slightly frosted sweet fruits inside a glass candy jar make a lovely holiday gift. Wrap this glass jar with a shiny red and gold bow or any color motif of your party.
6. Create A Theme For Your Healthy Party

Choose a party theme that calls for healthy foods
A party cant be a party without a theme. But dont just make any theme but a healthy party theme. Why not a tropical, Hawaiian party with your backyard and poolside as the party venue? How about a grand family reunion with a festive farm theme? You can make your own theme or have a contest as to who can give the best party theme. With the Hawaiian theme and fun, festive farm theme, you can introduce healthy party food options without overdoing it. And most of all, these party themes are fun, unique, and something your guests will look forward to.
Dont forget to dress up for the event. Aside from elaborate dresses and costumes, play the part and use makeup for party contact lenses and wigs. Be the fruity Hawaiian dancer host or the cute farm girl with the lovely braids. Let everyone come to the party dressed for the event.
7. Make A New Tradition

Create healthy family traditions around food
Let your healthy party be a tradition in your family. But this is not something that only comes once a year but a weekly tradition. Make Wednesdays Veggie Wednesdays or Fridays Fruity Fridays and serve no meat on No Meat Mondays. To make it fair, ask family members, relatives, and party guests for suggestions on your next party menu. And the party does not have to be at your house all the time; rotate party venues with the same healthy food rules and creative fun.
8. Buy Organic Fruits And Veggies

Switch to organic fruits and vegetables
Consider that not all fruits and vegetables are alike. Some produce are organic, which means these were grown and harvested using natural means. This produce are safe to use because these dont contain pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals, which can only affect your health.
Organic food like fruits and veggies may cost more, but these are worth it. You can find fresh and organic produce from local markets and also from specialty stores.
9. Disguise Healthy Fruits And Veggies For A Kids Party

Disguise healthy foods in fun and interesting ways
Children are so hard to please and may refuse to eat fruits and veggies no matter what you do. You can beat kids in their game by disguising healthy food instead of offering these as they are. A neat idea is to make real fruit ice cream instead of regular ice cream for a party. Instead of serving regular vegetable dips, make vegetable ''people'' out of carrots, broccoli, and cucumbers. Spaghetti sauce can be made from natural tomatoes with herbs and spices instead of using artificial, store-bought sauces.
And instead of sweets for the party, candied fruit or fruit cups with ice cream can be their dessert.
With just a little effort, you can get even the pickiest guest to eat fruit or vegetables at your next party at home. Have fun!
The post How to Serve More Fruits And Vegetables At Your Next Party appeared first on Share Food Singapore.