We have dabbled in this saucey cuisine in the past – Michi freestyling a mix of vegan cream and balsamic vinegar. This time though, THIS TIME, I was having none of his experimental balderdash. It’s recipe time.

What I used:
- 100ml soy milk
- 200ml vegetable oil
- 1 tsp apple vinegar
- 2 tsp capers and caper juice (the stuff from the jar)
- Salt, cayenne, mixed herbs, garlic powder
What I did:
- Measured out the milk and oil
- Added the vinegar
- Whizzed it until thick (I think the more oil you add the quicker it gets thicker. Science.)
- Added the rest of the ingredients and whizzed until mixed.
We had a plate full of veg for dinner today and this creamy, delicious mayonnaise made it so dang good.
- We fried up aubergine, courgette, onion, garlic, carrot and mushroom with cumin, herbs etc.
- and made a salad with tomato, carrot, lettuce, cucumber, bell pepper, onion and a balsamic dressing we had in the fridge.
I may have added too much garlic. But it’s the eternally pondered question – is there ever really ‘too much garlic’…?