A couple of weeks ago, I continued the series of posts on confusing words with B words. But don’t look back until after you take this little quiz! Scroll down for the answers.
- The (bimonthly, semimonthly) newsletter comes out the second and fourth weeks of every month.
- She felt (bad, badly) about breaking the plate, but I told her it wasn’t worth much.
- She has (born, borne) eight children in ten years!
- His fears of heights is (because of, due to) falling out of a tree as a child.
- It was my first time sleeping on a (berth, birth) on a train.
- Could you please (bring, take) these groceries over to Grandma’s house?
- There is no one in the house (beside, besides) me.
- That is a really (bazaar, bizarre) story you told me.
- I am waiting with (baited, bated) breath to hear the end of that story!
- (Both, Each) of you should take a cookie.
- Because she was a top athlete, she got a (buy, by, bye) into the semifinals.
- That is certainly a tough (break, brake) you had.
- I told her the secret (by accident, on accident) when we were talking about Jill.
- Most of the Miss America contestants were (blond, blonde) last time I watched.
- I performed really (bad, badly) on the quiz.
- Every two years we have a (semiannual, biennial) celebration.
- I used to be very (board, bored, borde) in math class.
- The little girl enjoyed (baiting, bating) the fishing hook.
- He sat (beside, besides) me in school every class.
- I can’t go to the conference (because of, due to) conflicting plans I made.
Scroll down for the answers:
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Again . . .
One more time . . .
- The (bimonthly, semimonthly) newsletter comes out the second and fourth weeks of every month.
- She felt (bad, badly) about breaking the plate, but I told her it wasn’t worth much.
- She has (born, borne) eight children in ten years!
- His fears of heights is (because of, due to) falling out of a tree as a child.
- It was my first time sleeping on a (berth, birth) on a train.
- Could you please (bring, take) these groceries over to Grandma’s house?
- There is no one in the house (beside, besides) me.
- That is a really (bazaar, bizarre) story you told me.
- I am waiting with (baited, bated) breath to hear the end of that story!
- (Both, Each) of you should take a cookie.
- Because she was a top athlete, she got a (buy, by, bye) into the semifinals.
- That is certainly a tough (break, brake) you had.
- I told her the secret (by accident, on accident) when we were talking about Jill.
- Most of the Miss America contestants were (blond, blonde) last time I watched.
- I performed really (bad, badly) on the quiz.
- Every two years we have a (semiannual, biennial) celebration.
- I used to be very (board, bored, borde) in math class.
- The little girl enjoyed (baiting, bating) the fishing hook.
- He sat (beside, besides) me in school every class.
- I can’t go to the conference (because of, due to) conflicting plans I made.
In case you missed the teleseminar and would like to listen, here is my grammar talk with Stephanie Chandler, CEO of the Nonfiction Writers Association: