I have all the Bushcraft and Survival Skills magazine issues and it became harder and harder to find a specific article quickly. I therefore started out on a labour of love and listed the articles by issue. I've divided the blogs up into 25 issues per page with the article reference blog page for issues 1-25 here, 26-50 here, 51-75 here.
If you spot an error etc do let me know please.
Issue 76
Tim Gent-Selecting a Wilderness Campsite
Chris Lundgregran-Elderberry Sauce/ Ketchup (Pontack)
Ian Nairn-Budget Biscuits
Lofty Wiseman-Thumbs
Julian Knight-What is Lyme Disease?
Charlie Portlock-Observing Fallow Deer Rut
Woodcraft (John Rhyder) and Oak and Ash (Peter Fiennes) Book Reviews
Ben & Lois Orford-Making a Leather Axe Collar
Simon Curran-Chocolate Orange Muffins
Paul Harvey-Bread Making in a Dutch Oven
Paul Kirtley-Ten of the Best Berries to Forage
David Thompson-Interview With Andrew Thomas-Price
David McCrae-Skelf (When a Wood's Not Good)
Ben Abbott-Hobo Stove
Issue 77
Tim Gent-Making a fishing Handline
Chris Lundgregran-Sloe Wine
Christmas Gift Guide
Laura Bingham-Cycling Ireland at Eight Months Pregnant
Lofty Wiseman-Toe the Line
Extreme Wilderness Survival (Craig Caudill) and The Kindness of Strangers (Fearghal O'Nuallain) book reviews
Richard Harpham-Paddling Guide 2
Charlie Portlock-Personal Paradise
Ben & Lois Orford-Making a Quiver
Naomi Walmsley-Ochre & Beeswax Crayons
Ed Stafford-Survival Psychology
Paul Kirtley-Fire-Lighting in the Cold, Dark Months
Ian Nairn-Budget Poppy Handbag
Olivia Beardsmore-Coastal Survival (Survival Being the Operative Word!)
Ben Abbot-Tinder
Issue 78
Marc Cox-The Great Felling
Naomi Walmsley-Cold Fingers, Hot Tea types of wild teas)
Torbjorn Selin-A New Year's Resolution
Laura Bingham-Oh What a Glorious Thing to Bee!
Humberto costa-My Life in Bushcraft
Woodland Workshop (Ben Law) and Adventures for a Lifetime (Ed Stafford) book review
Andrew Price-Oak Bark Tannery
Tim Gent-Goahti (Sami Home)
Ben & Lois Orford-Pocketknife Maintenance
Sub-Zero Bar (Recipe)
Lofty Wiseman-Practice What you are bad at
Ed Stafford-Survival Priorities:Water
The Bushcraft Quiz
Paul Kirtley-Lessons from Snow Walking in the Boreal pt I
Ian Nairn-Budget Anniversary Present (Tree of Life Pendant)
Richard Harpham- Paddling Guide 3
Ben Abbott-Paracord Belt Survival Kit
Issue 79
Andrew Price-Nettle and Wild Garlic Soup (Recipe)
Ben & Lois Orford-Puukko perfection
Tim Gent-Noonmark pt I
Torbjorn Selin-To Sweden's Roof and Back With My Daughter
Laura Bingham-Running the Essequibo
The Survival Manual (Jason Polley) and The Wilderness Cookbook (Phoebe Smith) Book Reviews
Nick Greenwood-Cedar Strip Canoe build pt I
Tim Gent-In Search of Ráskka
Mark Cox-Converting Trees to Timber
Fraser Christian-Cleaver Detox
Lofty Wiseman-Preparing for the Worst
Ed Stafford-Survival Priorities:Food
Paul Kirtley-Lessons from Snow Walking in the Boreal pt II
Ian Nairn-Budget Bespoke Woolen Bush Shirt
Richard Harpham-Skiing to the Edge Surviving and Travelling in Minus 70
Ben Abbot-GCSEs
Issue 80
Marc Cox-The Basic Tools of the Treewright
Torbjorn Selin-Every Vomit Outside the Life Raft is a Victory
Nick Greenwood-Cedar Strip Canoe build pt II
Laura Bingham-Women-Adventure and the Outdoors
Forest Craft (Richard Irwin) and Shinrin-Yoko-The art and Science of Forest-bathing (Dr Qing Li) Book Reviews
Megan Hine-Our World and Our Work
Tim Gent-The Ordnance Survey Map
Ben & Lois Orford-Spring is Here Chop Chop (a look at Hultafors axes)
James Dilley-Joining Two Worlds
Lofty Wiseman-The Beauty of Bushcraft
Ed Stafford-Survival Priorities:Fire
Paul Kirtley-Ten Medicinal Plants You Should Know-and Why pt I (the First Five)
Stuart Wedge-Clansman Fire Taking Control; of the Flame
Riochard Harpham-Mapping the North Seal River
Ian Nairn-Budget Bike Tyre Sole Moccasins
Issue 81
Marc Cox-Converting Trees to Timber: Hewing
Naomi Walmsley-The Accidental Forager
Paul Donovan-Baobab-The Survivors Tree
Laura Bingham-Vegetable and Seed Saving
Survival For Beginners (Colin Towell)The Lost Book of Adventure (The Unknown Adventurer) Book Reviews
Megan Hine-Get Outdoors
Tim Gent-Noonmark pt II
Ben & Lois Orford-cutting edge (The Tormek T-4 Bushcraft Grinder)
Andrew Price-The Zelter Shelter Review
Lofty Wiseman-Tracking
Ed Stafford-Survival Priorities:Shelter
Paul Kirtley-Ten Medicinal Plants You Should Know-and Why pt II (the Other Five)
Torbjorn Selin-Knives and Youngsters
Richard Harpham-Big is Beautiful Fat Bike Adventure is Morocco
Ian Nairn-Budget Tool Roll
Issue 82
Ed Stafford-The Law of Attraction
Dave Watson-Bushcraft Basics The Bowdrill
Paul Donovan-Bush Hygiene
Laura Bingham-Anxiety and Taking the First Step
The Foragers Calendar (John Wright) & Outside: Discovering Animals & Outside: Exploring Nature (Maria Ana Peixe Dias & Ines Teixeira Do Rosario) Book Review
Megan Hine-Expect the Unexpected
Tim Gent-Noonmark a Journey back to the Water pt II
Torbjorn Selin-Basic First Aid
Miranda Gent-Peg Loom Weaving-Peg Loom Weaving
Lofty Wiseman-School of Survival
Marc Cox-Reconstructing the Past Building a Saxon Dwelling pt I
John Rhyder-Cybertracker & Cybertracker Quiz
Steve Evison-Nearly Wild Camping
Richard Harpham-The 80:20 Rule of Sustainability
Ian Nairn-Budget Tinder Box Belt Pouch
Issue 83
Tim Gent-Sámpi Summer
Andrew Price-Bushcraft Basics Water Purification
Paul Donovan-Tampons and Condoms Handy Survival Aids
Laura Bingham-Getting an Adventure off the Ground
Stani Groeneweg-Lead by Example
Ed Stafford-Man, Woman, Child, Wild
Tim Gent-Sloe Gin
Dark Skies (Tiffany Francis) and How to Survive (John Hudson) Book Reviews
Torbjorn Selin-Respect the Cold
Lofty Wiseman-Map Reading
Marc Cox-Reconstructing the Past building a Saxon Dwelling pt II
Ben & Lois Orford-Chopping out a Chopping Board
Richard Harpham-Paddle Guide pt IV
Dr Peter Laight, Simon Hardie and Mark Cambridge-Making a Specialist Leather Knife Sheath
Issue 84
Megan Hine-Expeditions, From Beermat to Reality
Bruce Zawalsky-Bushcraft Basics Wooden Bushcraft and Survival Tools (Baton, Pounding Spike, Nub and Peg)
Paul Donovan-Should I shouldn't I? (Urine Consumption)
Steve Exison-Bushcrafts, Woodlands and Our Influence
Ben & Lois Orford-Salmon Skin Tinder Pouch
Torbjörn Selin-Hypothermia
Ed Stafford-Let me Entertain You
Laura Bingham-Children and Bushcraft
John Rhyder-Wildlife Trailing
Lofty Wiseman-Life is What you Make it
Man and horse (John Egenes) Book Review
Marc Cox-Mud Glorious Mud
Tim Gent-Wellies
Richard Harpham-Finding Your Peace in the Outdoors
Iain Nairn-Wax Canvassed Billy Pouch
Issue 85
Magan Hine-The Best Time for a New Beginning is Now
Dave Watson-Hand Drill
Paul Donovan-Natural Glue From Bolimba Tree Berries
Tim Gent-Old Skills Lost and Returned
George Thompson-Ray Mears Interview
Steve Stillwell-Survivalist Extrordinaire
Marc Cox-Three-legged Stool
The Sheltering Desert (Henno Martin) and Wonderous British Marine Life (Lou Luddington) Book Reviews
Laura Bingham-Expedition Tips
Ed Stafford-The Challenge to Keep Fit and Healthy
Lofty Wiseman-Knives
Mors Kochanski Obituary Piece
Paul Kirtely-In Search of Winter Greenery
John Rhyder-Ancient Sentinels
Andrew Price-Winter Survival Skillson the Hardangervidda
Ian Nairn-Bone Canoe Necklace
Tim Gent-Selecting a Wilderness Campsite
Chris Lundgregran-Elderberry Sauce/ Ketchup (Pontack)
Ian Nairn-Budget Biscuits
Lofty Wiseman-Thumbs
Julian Knight-What is Lyme Disease?
Charlie Portlock-Observing Fallow Deer Rut
Woodcraft (John Rhyder) and Oak and Ash (Peter Fiennes) Book Reviews
Ben & Lois Orford-Making a Leather Axe Collar
Simon Curran-Chocolate Orange Muffins
Paul Harvey-Bread Making in a Dutch Oven
Paul Kirtley-Ten of the Best Berries to Forage
David Thompson-Interview With Andrew Thomas-Price
David McCrae-Skelf (When a Wood's Not Good)
Ben Abbott-Hobo Stove
Issue 77
Tim Gent-Making a fishing Handline
Chris Lundgregran-Sloe Wine
Christmas Gift Guide
Laura Bingham-Cycling Ireland at Eight Months Pregnant
Lofty Wiseman-Toe the Line
Extreme Wilderness Survival (Craig Caudill) and The Kindness of Strangers (Fearghal O'Nuallain) book reviews
Richard Harpham-Paddling Guide 2
Charlie Portlock-Personal Paradise
Ben & Lois Orford-Making a Quiver
Naomi Walmsley-Ochre & Beeswax Crayons
Ed Stafford-Survival Psychology
Paul Kirtley-Fire-Lighting in the Cold, Dark Months
Ian Nairn-Budget Poppy Handbag
Olivia Beardsmore-Coastal Survival (Survival Being the Operative Word!)
Ben Abbot-Tinder
Issue 78
Marc Cox-The Great Felling
Naomi Walmsley-Cold Fingers, Hot Tea types of wild teas)
Torbjorn Selin-A New Year's Resolution
Laura Bingham-Oh What a Glorious Thing to Bee!
Humberto costa-My Life in Bushcraft
Woodland Workshop (Ben Law) and Adventures for a Lifetime (Ed Stafford) book review
Andrew Price-Oak Bark Tannery
Tim Gent-Goahti (Sami Home)
Ben & Lois Orford-Pocketknife Maintenance
Sub-Zero Bar (Recipe)
Lofty Wiseman-Practice What you are bad at
Ed Stafford-Survival Priorities:Water
The Bushcraft Quiz
Paul Kirtley-Lessons from Snow Walking in the Boreal pt I
Ian Nairn-Budget Anniversary Present (Tree of Life Pendant)
Richard Harpham- Paddling Guide 3
Ben Abbott-Paracord Belt Survival Kit
Issue 79
Andrew Price-Nettle and Wild Garlic Soup (Recipe)
Ben & Lois Orford-Puukko perfection
Tim Gent-Noonmark pt I
Torbjorn Selin-To Sweden's Roof and Back With My Daughter
Laura Bingham-Running the Essequibo
The Survival Manual (Jason Polley) and The Wilderness Cookbook (Phoebe Smith) Book Reviews
Nick Greenwood-Cedar Strip Canoe build pt I
Tim Gent-In Search of Ráskka
Mark Cox-Converting Trees to Timber
Fraser Christian-Cleaver Detox
Lofty Wiseman-Preparing for the Worst
Ed Stafford-Survival Priorities:Food
Paul Kirtley-Lessons from Snow Walking in the Boreal pt II
Ian Nairn-Budget Bespoke Woolen Bush Shirt
Richard Harpham-Skiing to the Edge Surviving and Travelling in Minus 70
Ben Abbot-GCSEs
Issue 80
Marc Cox-The Basic Tools of the Treewright
Torbjorn Selin-Every Vomit Outside the Life Raft is a Victory
Nick Greenwood-Cedar Strip Canoe build pt II
Laura Bingham-Women-Adventure and the Outdoors
Forest Craft (Richard Irwin) and Shinrin-Yoko-The art and Science of Forest-bathing (Dr Qing Li) Book Reviews
Megan Hine-Our World and Our Work
Tim Gent-The Ordnance Survey Map
Ben & Lois Orford-Spring is Here Chop Chop (a look at Hultafors axes)
James Dilley-Joining Two Worlds
Lofty Wiseman-The Beauty of Bushcraft
Ed Stafford-Survival Priorities:Fire
Paul Kirtley-Ten Medicinal Plants You Should Know-and Why pt I (the First Five)
Stuart Wedge-Clansman Fire Taking Control; of the Flame
Riochard Harpham-Mapping the North Seal River
Ian Nairn-Budget Bike Tyre Sole Moccasins
Issue 81
Marc Cox-Converting Trees to Timber: Hewing
Naomi Walmsley-The Accidental Forager
Paul Donovan-Baobab-The Survivors Tree
Laura Bingham-Vegetable and Seed Saving
Survival For Beginners (Colin Towell)The Lost Book of Adventure (The Unknown Adventurer) Book Reviews
Megan Hine-Get Outdoors
Tim Gent-Noonmark pt II
Ben & Lois Orford-cutting edge (The Tormek T-4 Bushcraft Grinder)
Andrew Price-The Zelter Shelter Review
Lofty Wiseman-Tracking
Ed Stafford-Survival Priorities:Shelter
Paul Kirtley-Ten Medicinal Plants You Should Know-and Why pt II (the Other Five)
Torbjorn Selin-Knives and Youngsters
Richard Harpham-Big is Beautiful Fat Bike Adventure is Morocco
Ian Nairn-Budget Tool Roll
Issue 82
Ed Stafford-The Law of Attraction
Dave Watson-Bushcraft Basics The Bowdrill
Paul Donovan-Bush Hygiene
Laura Bingham-Anxiety and Taking the First Step
The Foragers Calendar (John Wright) & Outside: Discovering Animals & Outside: Exploring Nature (Maria Ana Peixe Dias & Ines Teixeira Do Rosario) Book Review
Megan Hine-Expect the Unexpected
Tim Gent-Noonmark a Journey back to the Water pt II
Torbjorn Selin-Basic First Aid
Miranda Gent-Peg Loom Weaving-Peg Loom Weaving
Lofty Wiseman-School of Survival
Marc Cox-Reconstructing the Past Building a Saxon Dwelling pt I
John Rhyder-Cybertracker & Cybertracker Quiz
Steve Evison-Nearly Wild Camping
Richard Harpham-The 80:20 Rule of Sustainability
Ian Nairn-Budget Tinder Box Belt Pouch
Issue 83
Tim Gent-Sámpi Summer
Andrew Price-Bushcraft Basics Water Purification
Paul Donovan-Tampons and Condoms Handy Survival Aids
Laura Bingham-Getting an Adventure off the Ground
Stani Groeneweg-Lead by Example
Ed Stafford-Man, Woman, Child, Wild
Tim Gent-Sloe Gin
Dark Skies (Tiffany Francis) and How to Survive (John Hudson) Book Reviews
Torbjorn Selin-Respect the Cold
Lofty Wiseman-Map Reading
Marc Cox-Reconstructing the Past building a Saxon Dwelling pt II
Ben & Lois Orford-Chopping out a Chopping Board
Richard Harpham-Paddle Guide pt IV
Dr Peter Laight, Simon Hardie and Mark Cambridge-Making a Specialist Leather Knife Sheath
Issue 84
Megan Hine-Expeditions, From Beermat to Reality
Bruce Zawalsky-Bushcraft Basics Wooden Bushcraft and Survival Tools (Baton, Pounding Spike, Nub and Peg)
Paul Donovan-Should I shouldn't I? (Urine Consumption)
Steve Exison-Bushcrafts, Woodlands and Our Influence
Ben & Lois Orford-Salmon Skin Tinder Pouch
Torbjörn Selin-Hypothermia
Ed Stafford-Let me Entertain You
Laura Bingham-Children and Bushcraft
John Rhyder-Wildlife Trailing
Lofty Wiseman-Life is What you Make it
Man and horse (John Egenes) Book Review
Marc Cox-Mud Glorious Mud
Tim Gent-Wellies
Richard Harpham-Finding Your Peace in the Outdoors
Iain Nairn-Wax Canvassed Billy Pouch
Issue 85
Magan Hine-The Best Time for a New Beginning is Now
Dave Watson-Hand Drill
Paul Donovan-Natural Glue From Bolimba Tree Berries
Tim Gent-Old Skills Lost and Returned
George Thompson-Ray Mears Interview
Steve Stillwell-Survivalist Extrordinaire
Marc Cox-Three-legged Stool
The Sheltering Desert (Henno Martin) and Wonderous British Marine Life (Lou Luddington) Book Reviews
Laura Bingham-Expedition Tips
Ed Stafford-The Challenge to Keep Fit and Healthy
Lofty Wiseman-Knives
Mors Kochanski Obituary Piece
Paul Kirtely-In Search of Winter Greenery
John Rhyder-Ancient Sentinels
Andrew Price-Winter Survival Skillson the Hardangervidda
Ian Nairn-Bone Canoe Necklace