Ending up with a postponed wedding is never in anyone’s wedding plans. But sometimes life throws you a major curveball and the best you can do as a couple is to navigate it together. In the time of COVID-19, in the wake of a close one’s diagnosis or encountering financial hardship, there are a number of reasons that couples can find themselves having to change the date of their wedding day.
Whilst all manner of emotions and grief are completely normal in making this decision, just know that a postponement is just that, a postponement. Your wedding day will arrive. And it will be all the more joyous and sweet because of what you and your partner have been through.
So what do you do when the day your wedding should have been on finally rolls around? Cancel the world and stay under your duvet? Maybe. Or use it as a way to extend the celebration of your love and commitment to each other? We think so. Even if that does mean cancelling everything and staying under your duvet together. But if you want to get creative and make it even more memorable, here are some of our ideas (feel free to choose as many as you like)…
31 Ways To Acknowledge Your Original Wedding Date
Get Dressed Up – Let’s face it, it’s been a while since we all slung on a frock or slick shirt. So why not let this be your occasion to don your fancy things and get dressed up for each other? Wear what makes you feel the most beautiful, for yourself and that hot partner of yours.
Get Dressed Down – Love lazing about in your loungies? Then invest in a new set specially for the day and get cosy together. Or have a naked Saturday instead. No one’s watching. Except maybe your other half… Which ain’t no bad thing.
Wearing White – You know those chic registry weddings or elopements, where the bride wears something really understated and stylish in white? Channel that vibe. Or slink around your house in your partner’s white shirt. If it’s white and makes you feel great, it’s fair game.
Wear Your Veil / Tie / Shoes – Have a piece of your wedding day outfit that you’d like to get more than one wear out of? Then fasten that veil or knot that tie for a bit of extra luxe. Or you could use this as an excellent excuse to break in your wedding shoes for the big day’s final arrival.
Have A Fancy Dinner – Have a favourite meal? Something fancy or spendy? Maybe you have a penchant for truffles or great seafood? Source some and treat yourselves to a rich, extravagant meal.
Have A Picnic – Love a picnic spread? Why not buy in all of your favourite snacky foods, cheeses, grapes, antipasto etc. Spread out a rug in your garden or on your living room floor and have at it. The cheese that is.
Bake A Wedding Cake – Love whipping out the mixing bowl? Then use this excuse to bake (and of course later, eat) a cake of your choice. It could be that red velvet you’d ordered for your original date, you could use our naked cake recipe or you could go all traditional and bake a fruit cake. Anything goes. And yes, you do get to lick the spoon.
Open Your Wedding Wine – Have you been stocking up on wine and fizz for your wedding day? Well lucky you, because you now have a bit more time to replenish those supplies, so pop that cork and enjoy the fruits of your wine collecting labour today.
Mimosas In Bed – Pop some fizz, toast each other and have a luxury breakfast in bed. There is no reason you can’t stay there for the rest of the day, snoozing, reading, watching TV and… Enjoying each other’s company.
Toast Each Other – You two are incredible. And the fact that together you can jump this hurdle and come back strong for your postponed wedding day is worthy of a toast. A toast to teamwork, to your support network, to each other.
Cut A Cake, Any Cake – Don’t feel like Mary Berry-ing your way to a wedding cake, then don’t. That’s what M&S is for. Or Tesco, or Aldi. Pick up your supermarket cake of choice and cut it / eat it together.
Creme De la Cake – Want cake to celebrate your original date, but want the best of the best? Then ask your cake designer if there is a way for them to bake a small single tier version of your postponed wedding cake and have it safely delivered. You’re helping support your supplier and getting to eat fancy cake. Win win.
Cook Your Wedding Menu – Enjoy cooking together? Or fancy giving it a go for a laugh? Pour your favourite tipple and have a go at cooking your wedding menu. Then have a moment to marvel at the caterers who manage to do this for 100+ people all at one time!
Order Your Fave Takeaway – Or ditch the thought of lifting a pot lid and order in your fave takeaway if they’re available. Order those sides and starters too!
Share Your Day – Zoom in your guests / bridal party / nearest and dearest so you can all have a laugh and lift each other’s spirits. And recognise that one day in the not too distant future, you’ll all be together celebrating your wedding. And what a party that day will be.
Quiz Night – You could spend the day with your love, then at night get on a group call with a twist. Ask family to get dressed up fancy, or to fancy dress. Choose someone like the best man or maid of honour to create a Mr & Mrs Quiz.
Make A Video – Like this couple. We loved seeing a couple taking their postponed wedding in their stride and using the time at home to do something hilarious to entertain their guests.
Dance Your First Dance – Your speaker is your band and your kitchen is your dancefloor. Press play, get close and dance to your song. It may be the most tender and intimate dance you have in your life.
Decorate Your House – Have decor set aside for your wedding day? Pop it around your house and get double duty out of your investment. Alternatively order some white streamers and paper decs online and make your home feel all wedding day festive.
Fairy Lights – If in doubt, fairy lights. A sure-fire way to make things feel more intimate, cosy and special. Use the ones you have set aside for your wedding day or dig some out of the Christmas box in the loft. A little something to make your home feel special for a day.
Indulgent Netflix Day – Why not shut out the world and turn your living room into the perfect binge-watching haven? Tilt the blinds, get the duvets down, load up on snacks and pick a show to get lost in… all. day. long.
Say Your Vows – You may feel this is something you’d rather keep for standing at the top of the aisle. Or you may love the idea of vows spoken privately to mark the day you were due to be wed. Fair Warning: You will cry and that’s okay.
A Reminisce Playlist – The fact that you’re getting married likely means that you and your partner have a history and memories. More often than not there are songs that conjure up memories for you both. Take turns to choose and play songs that make you think of each other.
Wear Your Wedding Night Lingerie – Don’t let that racy lace lie in a box any longer. You could always treat yourself (and your other half) to another set for when the big day finally arrives.
Have A Gift List Shopping Spree – Have you planned a wedding gift list? You could use this time to map out what married life will look like together and add all of your wants to your gift list. Or you could add something special to the list as a treat to your future self for getting through this.
Write Each Other A Love Letter – You could either write that love letter to be opened on this, your original wedding date, or you could save it for the morning of your future wedding day. Just make sure you open it before you have your make up done.
A Couples Massage – You can’t exactly nip off for a spa day together, but if you and your partner love a bit of pampering, why not set the scene? Light some candles, burn aromatherapy oils and take turns giving each other a relaxing massage.
Ask For A Blessing – If you’ve got a religious ceremony planned and that aspect is important to you, you could always contact your celebrant and ask for a special blessing to be performed over video to mark the day.
Order A Floral Arrangement From Your Florist – You could pick up a supermarket bouquet along with your other essentials or you could treat yourself to a beautiful arrangement of your chosen wedding flowers for your home from your florist. Just contact them to see if they can arrange this and deliver in a way that is safe for both them and you.
Do Some Wedding Prep – Have a few DIY elements to your wedding day such as favours or a table plan? Now may be the time to get cracking on as much of that as you can. It might be a good idea to leave names until closer to your new wedding date though to confirm RSVPs.
Treat Each Other To A Wedding Gift – You were probably thinking about buying each other a little something for your wedding day, so why not agree to treat this like an anniversary or the special occasion it is and get each other a pressie to open in the morning.
We’ve had so many chats on Instagram and email with many of you so we’re well aware that because of keyworker requirements, caring for vulnerable relatives or just plain logistics, some of you may not even be able to be physically together on your original wedding date. We say, don’t let that stop you celebrating each other. Many of the treats above can be done virtually – except maybe that massage. So celebrate in your own way or bookmark the celebrations for the next day you’re together.
And for the rest of us who are lucky enough to spend this lockdown period with our loves, let’s celebrate that. Marriage is about love and commitment, but it is also about learning to endure and navigate problems together. Use this day to celebrate the love you have for each other and how amazingly your little team of two is navigating this hurdle. Your wedding day may be postponed, but on this day you have each other. And that is always worth celebrating.
Other Helpful Links
We’ve got an entire series of articles for those of you whose weddings have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic or planning/navigating a postponed wedding. But here are a few of our most popular in case you need that extra support.
RELATED: How To Postpone A Wedding
RELATED: Postponed Wedding Announcements
RELATED: Wedding Ideas & Prep To Try During Lockdown
The post Postponed Wedding: 31 Ways To Acknowledge Your Original Wedding Date appeared first on ROCK MY WEDDING | UK WEDDING BLOG & DIRECTORY.