Quiz: The Self-Care Routine for You Based on Your Burnout Concerns

Whether it’s video chat fatigue, the emotional toll of the news cycle, or just straight up feeling bogged down—if you’re not setting aside time for self care, burnout can edge its way into your everyday.

You’re definitely not the only one battling the feeling, but have you noticed burnout creeping into other areas of your life, too? From occasional lack of sleep to the inability to focus, burnout and stress can impact many parts of your life (that you may not have even realized). And with many different types of self-care out there, addressing your specific burnout needs in a personalized way can help you find the reset you deserve.

So how can you start? To guide you on your path to managing your stress (because FYI, self care is important right now and all the time) we joined forces with Nature’s Way® to not only help you sort through your self-care needs but also serve up personalized suggestions for useful additions to your daily routine.

With tiny tweaks like supplementing with adaptogens or picking up meditation, you can start to turn your daily mantra from “ugh” to “bring it on.”

Take the quiz to find out which self-care routine is right for you based on your burnout concerns.

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Top photo: Getty Images/Tom Werner

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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