[Surnetkids] Edgar Allan Poe

Dear Reader,

Something new I’ve done this year that I’ve never done before? I baked two (from scratch) cakes! I’ve been baking bread (specifically challah for Friday night dinner) but I never was much of a baker of sweets before.

I have no explanation for this, but after the first successful one, I decided to try a different recipe for guests who were coming last Friday night. Baking certainly wasn’t a New Year’s resolution, or anything like that.

Which leads me to wonder, what’s new with you this new year? Let me know via reply email.

See ya on the Net,
Barbara J. Feldman
“Surfing the Net with Kids”

Edgar Allan Poe


Edgar Allan Poe Printable(** for Premium Members only)

Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American poet and short-story author, known as a master of the macabre, but also credited with pioneering work in the detective genre and science fiction. Born in Boston, MA, Poe was orphaned at an early age. The cause of his death at age forty has never been determined, and is the subject of much speculation.

Biography: Edgar Allan Poe

“While he never had financial success in his lifetime, Poe has become one of America’s most enduring writers. His works are as compelling today as they were more than a century ago. An innovative and imaginative thinker, Poe crafted stories and poems that still shock, surprise and move modern readers.” In addition to an introductory article, this Poe biography includes one feature-length video, and six short films.

Edgar Allan Poe Museum

“The Poe Museum provides a retreat into early 19th century Richmond where Edgar Allan Poe lived and worked. The museum features Poe’s life and career by documenting his accomplishments with pictures, relics, and verse, and focusing on his many years in Richmond.” Although not all the exhibits are online, reasons for a virtual visit include a Poe biography, family tree, selected works, genealogical records from the Poe family bible (in Museum Treasures) and an interactive quiz (under Educational Resources.)

Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore: Collected Works

“A comprehensive collection of e-texts of all of Poe’s prose and poetical writings, from the original sources and with multiple versions as revised during his lifetime – includes poems, tales, sketches, essays, literary criticism, letters and miscellanea.”

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Printables Club Members Also Get …

Surfnetkids Printables Club Members also get the following printables to use in the classroom, the computer lab, the school library, or to send home with students:

Edgar Allan Poe Printable
Edgar Allan Poe Wikipedia Printable
Types of Poetry Printable
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Quote of the Week

“With me poetry has not been a purpose, but a passion.” ~~ Edgar Allan Poe ~~ (January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849) American writer, poet, editor and literary critic. What are you passionate about? Click this link for more quotes about enthusiasm.

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