Braingle's Daily Trivia Quiz for Jun 19, 2023
A Movies Quiz : See how well you know the fourth Indy movie by taking this quiz!
1. Who are the bad guys in this movie?
2. How many crystal skulls are there in total?
3. Karen Allen isn't in this movie.
4. What does Mutt want to do for a living?
5. What does Mutt toss to Indiana to get him out of the quicksand?
6. What is Mutt's real first name?
7. What type of bug do Indy and Co. flee from in the jungle?
8. How many times does the waterfall drop?
9. What creatures do the skulls come from?
10. Indiana and Marion get married at the end of the movie.
11. Indy lets Mutt wear his hat.
Take the Quiz at Braingle.com