Why, Why, Why....

Thursday 7th May 2020
Live less out of habit and more out of intent.

My yoga practice this morning was called Intent, your intention has the power to directly influence the quality of your practice and your connection to yourself. (her words not mine). Setting an intention only goes so far as you let it.  In this circumstance, it’s best to not set it and forget it. Nor is it best to set it in stone. it’s about choosing what you want to cultivate and amplify - and more so, it’s about recognizing your power to do that.

So that what Adriene said to me this morning, but if I put my WW head on, you can switch 'intent' for 'why', we use 'What's your why?', same question really. So if I adapt that paragraph above to be a WW on - your WHY has the power to directly influence the quality of your journey and your connection to yourself.  Setting a WHY only goes so far as you let it.  In this circumstance, it’s best to not set it and forget it. Nor is it best to set it in stone. it’s about choosing what you want to cultivate and amplify - and more so, it’s about recognising your power to do that.

Yep it works with our WW journey too, our WHY doesn't have to be set in stone, we can amend it as we lose weight / age / grow / change, there doesn't have to be one WHY, our WHY right now whilst in lockdown might be very different to what it was before, some of you may have been going on holiday any day now and trying to lose some weight for that, this would've been your WHY, now you're not going so your WHY needs changing!  You may be terrified of catching Covid-19 so your WHY is to get as healthy as possible to give you the best chance of surviving it should you be unlucky.  

My WHY at the moment is to survive being a 24/7 carer of someone with Alzheimers, doing it with calmness and compassion, enjoying my own company and finding ways to take care of my mind as well as my body.  

If you're struggling with your why?  Here's a few questions to give you something to thing about.

Why do you want to lose weight?
What do you want to change in your life?
What is that you want to achieve?  What will it provide you with? What else?

Why don't you like being the weight you are?  NOW THERE'S A QUESTION, that's the one I'm going to think about today!

Is losing weight important to you? If it is then what's stopping you?  

I I said to you 'weight loss happiness is...'  what would be your answer?  

There's something to get you thinking this morning, why not log onto the workshops and let me know the answers!  The virtual workshops are the only adult conversation I'm having  over the week, so I'm very grateful that I'm seeing so many members log on, another lovely busy workshop last night, hopefully another one this morning (8.30 in Dudley and Walsall group, then I'm support on 10.30 one).  Then I get to spend the rest of the day with mom and tomorrow, I'll potter about a little doing a few jobs, nothing major though, just housework.  

Right I'm ready for a cuppa, already had my water, logged it on the app which now had both water and sleep tracker, if you haven't got the update yet, you will any day.  The app gets better constantly, there's a virtual pub quiz on there tonight! For more info visit the Experiences at Home group on Connect.  

Right I'm off, here's to enjoying the day.

I'm proud of you for doing what you can to take care of you. x

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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