Think magnets are just for the fridge? Think again! They’re the perfect organizational tool for the bathroom, the garage, and even the playroom. Seriously! If you don’t have a lot of storage shelves or cabinets, and probably wondering where to put your stuff clutter-free, then worry no more. That is why we’ve cared to share with you these15 brilliant and clever ways to use magnets for organizing clutter hot spots in your home. Again, don’t worry about the cost. If you are not willing to spend a lot of money on fancy organizing stuff, then magnets are exactly what you need for your project. They will work out perfectly for you since they are cost-effective and will leave your space looking organized and beautiful just the way you want it to look. And if you have magnet strips or bars at your home just lying somewhere without any purpose, here are ideas to bring back your magnets into use again.
Clever Ways to Use Magnets to Organize Your Home
1. A Magnetic Makeup Board
A bathroom is always one of those rooms in the house that somehow looks disorganized with clutter. I have always tried to solve this issue with my bathroom too. I had a few cabinets installed but then things just pile up all the more making things hard to find in all that clutter. But alas! I have found a good and cheap way to reorganize my bathroom using magnets. This is probably one good way to use magnets if you don’t have enough storage. Always keep your bathroom vanity clear by installing a magnetic makeup board on the wall instead.
2. “Spicy” Way To Use Magnets
Do you get worked up for always trying to remember where you kept your daily-usage spices in your pantry? Don’t lose your head over it. Here is a way to use magnets that will unclutter your storage space and you will be all set to go. Just install a magnetic strip to the underside of a cabinet shelf, and use containers with metal lids. Voila! You have for yourself magnetic spice storage that frees up so much cabinet space as well as sparing you money that otherwise could’ve been spent upon fancy organizers.
3. Magnetic Bathroom Organizer
Having metallic bathroom tools making your space look untidy and disorganized? With magnets you got it all solved out. Unclutter your bathroom by adding a magnetic strip to your bathroom for bobby pins, nail clippers, tweezers, and more. This will keep all your tools at an easily accessible place, within an arm’s reach, and above all, which is the ultimate goal, remove them from the countertop for that neat and tidy look. In love with this idea? Then go get for yourself a metallic strip and revolutionize your bathroom!
4. Magnets as Trash Bag Holders
If you have magnets that are just lying somewhere accumulating dust, perhaps it is the ideal time to put them into use. Use magnets to hold trash bags in place on metal trash cans. No one likes finding the bag at the bottom of the bin (especially with a bunch of garbage piled on top of it). I normally find it gross to start handling it all over again. If you are the same as me, then this is the way to use magnets, to avoid handling trash again.
5. Attachment For Small Baskets
Tired of having to search for those spices that you use on a daily basis? Me too! A solution is here for us! Attach magnets to small baskets for on-the-fridge storage. This is another great way to store spices that keep them within easy reach when you’re cooking. Avoid overspending on fancy organizers and just employ the use of magnets for this purpose and have your spices within arm’s reach. What a good way to use magnets! Simple and easy DIY hack for you here!
6. Maximizing Fridge Space
This idea really got me impressed. It reminded me of those good old days when I was in college when I had a small fridge that had limited storage space. Got the same challenge with your small fridge? You just clicked the right link! Yes with magnets you can create space in your fridge. You too there having lots of bottles piled up in your fridge can reorganize and clear up fridge space with magnetic bottle holders. These sure would have been nifty with my small fridge when I was in college. Anyhoo, I think I can still use this idea to create some storage space on my shelves by hanging bottles inside my fridge. Why not!
7. Magnetic Play Room Organizers
Unclutter the toy box a little by hanging matchbox cars on the walls on magnetic strips. Love this idea… it adds a punch of color and boyish charm to the room’s decor. This is a brilliant way to use magnets to reorganize your boys’ playroom. They will easily access their toys without having to pour them down from the toy box so as to get access to that which they want. You can sort the cards by color for an organized and beautiful-looking area.
8. Dry Erase Memo Magnets
Did you have any idea about this wonderful way to use magnets? Well me neither! I am just as excited as you are. My home office just came to mind and I thought, wow! this is the real deal for my office refurbishment. I am definitely gonna need several of these, pin them against my office walls as my to-do lists and office decoration. Dry erase memo magnets are also a great idea in the kitchen. Write down items for your shopping list as you run out rather than scrambling around trying to find a pen and notepad. These are great for lockers, too!
9. Magnetic Key and Notes Holder
Keys are one of those items that you can easily lose track of where you kept them last, hence giving you a headache looking up for them. But you can avoid this with this one simple way to use magnets, that is if you have some in your home that is of no use. If not, you can purchase your strip for quite a few dollars. Put a magnetic strip in the entryway for keys and important notes; where you can easily have a glance at them just in case you are in a hurry.
10. “Flashy” Way To Use Magnets
One way to use magnets that have no purpose is to attach a flashlight directly to the fuse box. Of course, no one likes to be caught up in the dark when lights trip. Always be well prepared for this by having a flashlight right where it is easily accessible. And what better place to have it than right next to a fuse box attached with a magnet? Now when you blow a fuse, you’ll know exactly where the flashlight is. Be on top of your game with this idea. Thank me later!
11. Magnetic Garage Organizers
Finding it rather too hard to access your drill bits and spanners in your toolbox? Perhaps it is time you uncluttered that toolbox with this clever way to use magnets, that I’ve decided to share with you. Install magnetic strips near your power tools in the garage to hold on to your drill bits and small metal tools. This way your tools will be easily accessible and your garage will appear as organized as you want. You’re welcome!
12. Magnetic Tool Organizers
Still, your garage doesn’t look as tidy as you want it to be after following idea #11 above? Your working bench might be the issue. It is too cluttered with your paintbrushes, hammers, and other tools. Isn’t it? Worry not! This idea is gonna work out just perfectly for you and you will have your garage as organized as you want. Do you have extra strips of magnet? If not, go purchase several because here’s another fabulous idea for those strips: storing paint brushes and hand tools. You are gonna fall in love with your garage once more. I kid you not!
13. The Chore-Board Way Of Using Magnets
This chore board idea is pure genius. In order to encourage your kids to do extra chores, offer an incentive! Attach magnets to clothespins labeled with specific chores, and include a buck for each one. If you were thinking of trashing your magnets, please don’t! Make this DIY chore-board using them and let them have a purpose once more.
14. Cookie Sheet Chore Charts
Again, magnets can be repurposed once more to add glamor and organization to your home. Again here is another way to use magnets similar to that one in idea#13. If you want to assign each and everyone chore in the house, just add cookie sheet chore charts (for the regular chores); they are a big hit! Instead of fussing with stickers, the reusable magnets are moved to the “done” section as each chore is completed. Make one for your home!
15. Magnetic Drinking Cup
Cut down on dirty dishes by assigning everyone their own magnetic drinking cup. During the day, the cup is placed back on the fridge between uses. Using a hot glue gun and hot glue sticks, just attach two magnets at the sides of each cup, one at the top and the other at the bottom. Two magnets work better! Voila! You have your FMCs (Fridge Magnetic Cups), just like that!
Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.
Have you enjoyed these clever ways to use magnets? Check out these organizational ideas for more inspiration!
- 16 Pantry Organization Ideas You’ll Wish You’d Thought Of
- 17 Outside-the-Box Organization Ideas to Hide Eyesores
- 18 Insanely Awesome Home Office Organization Ideas
The post 15 Ways to Use Magnets Will Change How You Organize appeared first on DIY House Hacks - One Crazy House.