News — KitchenPantry
10 Things Nobody Tells You About Organizing Your Pantry
ExpertAdvice KitchenJars KitchenPantry PantryCabinets Uncategorized

A few essential rules about pantry organization: Use bins and baskets, store dry goods in clear containers, and group like with like. Now that we have the basics out of the way, here are 10 things you may not have thought of—but absolutely should—when planning and executing a well-ordered pantry: 1. “Like with like” is just one way to organize your pantry. Above: Vinegars on the left, cooking sauces on the right, and spice drawers underneath at Food52’s office kitchen. Photograph by Mark Weinberg, from Kitchen of the Week: The Ultimate Staff Kitchen in NYC. Yes, it’s true that you should...
10 Things Nobody Tells You About Organizing Your Pantry
KitchenCabinets KitchenPantry KitchenStorage PantryCabinets Uncategorized

A few essential rules about pantry organization: Use bins and baskets, store dry goods in clear containers, and group like with like. Now that we have the basics out of the way, here are 10 things you may not have thought of—but absolutely should—when planning and executing a well-ordered pantry: 1. “Like with like” is just one way to organize your pantry. Above: Vinegars on the left, cooking sauces on the right, and spice drawers underneath at Food52’s office kitchen. Photograph by Mark Weinberg, from Kitchen of the Week: The Ultimate Staff Kitchen in NYC. Yes, it’s true that you should...