News — Fashion
I’ve always had a natural affinity for accessories
14k 85andisle accessories acessoriesdesigner acessorriesforwomen alphakappaalphasororityinc art austinstyle blacketsy blackgirlswhoblog BlackLivesMatter blackowned blackownedbusiness blanc BOGO bohochic bohoearrings brass brassearrings buyhandmade caribbean caribbeanlifestyle caribbeanliving caribbeans charlestonstyle charlottestyle chicagostylist clay clayart clayearrings colormixing contemporaryjewelry dallastyle dangleearrings design designer discoverunder1k earringaid earringlover earrings earringshop earringsoftheday earringsogood etsyjewelry etsyseller etsysellerofinstgram etsyshop etsyusa Fashion fementrepreneur fewerbetterthings Friyay gems geoearrings girlboss girlsrising glossier goldplated handmade handmadeisbetter handmadejewelry handsandhustle igjewelry indiebrands instajewekry jamandrico jewelry jewelryaddict jewelrydesign jewelrydesigner jewelrygram jewelrylove jewelrylover jewelrymaker jewelryshop jewelrystories jotd locallymade madeinoklahoma madeinraliegh madewithlove maker makersgonnamake makersofinstagram MelanieMarie milkmakeup minimalistjewelry modern modernjewelry MYSWANKYDESIGNS nashvillestyle natural naturalhair neutrals neutralstyle newyorker nycdesigner nycjewelry photography pinkearrings polymerclay polymerclayearrings polymerclayjewelry polymerclayslab portlandstyle prettylittleinspo prettythings raleighmakers resortwear SALE sheamoisture shophandmade shoplocal Shopping shopsmall simplyartrageous slowfashion smallbusiness smallbusinessowner statementearrings statementjewelry style summer summer2020 summertime summervibes supporthandmade supportsmallbusiness sustainablefashion SWANKYTRIBE vintageinspo waketomake wemakecollective wip womenentrepreneurs womenowned womenownedbusiness zerowaste

I love shoes, bags, hats, scarves, belts, etc. more than anyone else I know. But one extra outfit touch has always stood above the rest for me: jewelry. My little T.J. Maxx jewelry organizer is constantly overflowing with statement earrings, dainty gold chains, hoops in every finish, and layering bracelets–and yet, I am always seeing more that I just have to have. That was definitely the case this week when, as I researched and discovered Black-owned small businesses to support, I came across countless truly amazing jewelry brands—and I knew that I needed to share them with as many people...
Here's what I've been crushing on lately..
bonus Fall Fashion praise Shopping ThingsLoved Vegan

This pumpkin spice dairy free creamer is so good! It's not sweetened at all and that's why I like it. Yum! First care package sent to College Girl (fall themed of course). I went to my class reunion and the organizer had created this drawing of Philly favorites and landmarks. It's so detailed and intricate. I snagged one for my daughter. Fun times at the reunion! How am I the tall one? I finally got my hands on this book and loved it! So good! I ordered these shoes for Italy but they didn't arrive in time. They are cute...