Recent Amazon Purchases
It’s been a while since my last Amazon round-up (here) & several of you requested that I make this a recurring series. So, I am going to do my best to share these more often because I know how much I love seeing what other Prime deals people are finding!… #howtoorganizeabathroomdrawer
Hey, guys! Do you have a messy junk drawer, area in your kitchen, office, or craft room that needs attention? Maybe it's a bunch of small items just crammed in a ...
Hey, guys! Do you have a messy junk drawer, area in your kitchen, office, or craft room that needs attention? Maybe it's a bunch of small items just crammed in a ...
35 Things On Amazon Under $35 That The Internet Can't Stop Talking About
I dont know about you, but when the internet can't stop talking about a certain product I tend to listen. It stands to reason that when a particular shoe or face mask is buzzed about, its worth paying attention to and trying out, too. Luckily, there are tons … #howtoorganizeabathroomdrawer
“To Do,” by Kate Walbert
Audio: Kate Walbert reads. Her mother had been a beauty, a green-eyed blonde who wore a long braid down her back in high school and then college (Vassar 57), in New York (Katie Gibbs 58), and her job in the typing pool at Westinghouse, before she was asked (… #howtoorganizeabathroomdrawer
26 things you should get rid of when you have pets
Keep your pets safe and happy at home by avoiding dangers like these. (Photo: Getty Images/Studio Annika / Reviewed/Kate Tully-Ellsworth) Our editors review and recommend products to help you buy the stuff you need. If you make a purchase by clicking one o… #howtoorganizeabathroomdrawer